Last night I had a dream. I dreamed I was climbing up a tree to the Moon.
“That’s odd!”, I thought, “It’s impossible to climb up to the Moon!”.
Tonight I looked at the sky and there it was, staring at me! The gentle breeze inviting me to fly. I thought to myself:
“Why not!? Why wouldn’t I climb up to the Moon! It’s not that far!”.
I climbed, and climbed to the furthest branch of the highest tree, hoping to reach the Moon.
Finally I stretched, but still couldn’t reach it! I stretched so far that when I noticed I was floating on the air like a feather! I looked down, the houses getting smaller and smaller, people looked like ants running around.
I laughed at them! They would never fell this way, floating through the air with no worries, just getting carried away by the wind! Just me! Alone!
I looked down one more time. The houses were nothing but a tiny spot on a blank page, and finally I reached the Moon!
I never thought there could be so many wonders hidden behind such a pale place!
Green fields dancing with the gentle breeze, small streams of water reflecting the sun light, trees filled with fruit, flowers from every colour…
I laid on my back watching the starry sky, the thin light reflected by the sun kissing my face! I closed my eyes enjoying this little paradise!
I stayed there for hours without moving even an inch, so calm, so peaceful!
Suddenly I felt my body stiffen, I could not move, it was like I was trapped inside a box where I could not even breathe!
“What’s happening?”. I screamed trying to release myself from the invisible prison, it was impossible!
Finally I was able open the heavy lid of the box I slept so peacefully before.
My little world vanished, nothing but a delusion that could never be real!
I jumped of the coffin to my real world. The sun had already set! Another life waiting to be taken!
I ran through the familiar streets searching for my next victim! I prepared to attack!
“There is no point in escaping! I will always catch you!”.
Humans can not stand a chance against me, I’m a natural born killer, the perfect hunter! They are nothing but pawns in my sordid, little game! It takes just a smile, a look for them to fall into my trap!
“Boo! Are you scared my love? I will not hurt you! It will be real quick, you won’t even feel a thing!”.
I try to calm my prey, another trick! After all, he would probably agonize in pain the moment my sharp teeth rip off his skin!
I look again at the helpless human trapped between my arms against a wall. His dark eyes daring me!
In that moment I loved him more than blood! Maybe he was the one I had been searching through all my existence!
I shake that thought out of my mind and sink my teeth on his neck. The blood flowed so hot it almost warmed my cold skin while he screamed in pain, or perhaps pleasure! Who knows?!
Soon it will end! I stop within moments of killing my prey. Even in his death bed his eyes keep challenging me!
“Do not worry! Soon the pain will stop, then we will be together forever!”
He screamed again, the pain getting heavier and heavier by the minute until he could no longer bare it.
Another scream, only this time it was not him, it was me, I could hear myself scream but I could not understand why! I started to panic running around, not knowing where I was!
I kept screaming, bumping into the people walking on the streets, where could I be? I didn’t remember how I got there, I didn’t know anything, it was like I hadn’t got a life before this moment!
With a final scream I woke up. It was only a strange nightmare, nothing but a dream!
I get ready to leave. The memory of that dream still running around in my mind.
I walk the dark streets not fearing my own destiny, knowing that tonight will be my last!
Those same dark eyes are there waiting for me, inviting me to come! I fall in the arms of my killer while the gentle wings of death steal my last human breath!
p.s.- Apenas uma pequena história que me veio á cabeça, espero que gostem, de qualquer maneira gostando ou não, deixem um comentário sobre o que acharam.
E para terminar deixo a letra de uma minhas musicas favoritas que talvez tenha algo a ver com esta história, ou então será pelo simples facto de a adorar. Anyway, enjoy!
KoRn - Make Me Bad
I am watching the rise and fall of my salvation
There's so much shit around me
Such a lack of compassion
I thought it would be fun and games (would be fun and games)
Instead it's all the same (it's all the same)
I want something to do
Need to feel the sickness in you
I feel the reason as it's leaving me
No, not again
It's quite deceiving as I'm feeling
The flesh make me bad
All I'll do is look for you
I need a fix, you need it to
Just to get some sort of attention, attention
What does it mean to you?
For me it's something I just do
I want something
I need to feel the sickness in you
I feel the reason as it's leaving me
No, not again
It's quit
e deceiving as I'm feeling
The flesh make me bad
Does it make me bad?